rtyuiop_123 - 2008-06-07 16:03:14

Brutalne aresztowania w Austrii

Przyłączcie się do masowego wysyłania maili do austriackiego rządu i Ambasady Austrii w Warszawie. Protesty przeciwko brutalności policji i próbie rozbicia ruchu prozwierzęcego w Austrii odbywają się wielu krajach, nie możemy zostać w tyle.

więcej informacji na stronie  ;  http://empatia.pl/

racjabytu - 2008-06-08 19:51:47

slyszalem o tym mozna by zrobic jakis benefit na tych aresztowanych

rtyuiop_123 - 2008-06-11 19:54:56

dostałem odpowiedz z tej ambasady ponoć wszyscy dostają takie same listy niżej umieszczam treść;

Dear Madam,

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to supply you with the following information:

On May 21, 2008, ten arrest and 23 house search warrants were executed in the provinces of Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol and Vienna and four summonses were served by the police officers on authority of the Regional Court Wiener Neustadt. Therefore, the police officers did not take action of their own accord but on behalf of an independent court. Initial interrogations of the persons affected by these official acts were mostly carried out in the presence of their lawyers. The decision on continuation of detention that was ordered in ten cases rests exclusively with an independent judge rather than the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The reason why the criminal prosecution authorities took action was that since autumn 2006 attacks and damage to facilities of the clothing, pharmaceutical and food industries as well as a major campaign of anonymous threats against managers and staff of companies of these economic sectors had become more and more frequent. These illegal acts caused a total damage of approx. two million Euro.

The measures taken by the police on behalf of the court and continuously coordinated with the judicial authorities were in no way directed against animal welfare or animal welfare organisations and in no way intend to criminalise the “animal welfare“ issue or its representatives but are exclusively aimed at individual, obviously militant and suspected criminal animal rights activists who got organised to commit criminal offences against persons and property and performed acts of self-justice.

Therefore, the concerns that the provisions of art. 278a Criminal Code are extended to comprise also socio-critical issues cannot be understood. In any event, an independent court will have to decide whether the matter in question meets the prerequisites for constituting this offence.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior hopes to have answered your question to your satisfaction.

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